SEELECTS of ‘Slavic and East-European Lectures’ is een lezingenreeks. Het biedt een forum aan nationale en internationale onderzoekers. De thema’s die aan bod komen hebben alle betrekking op Oost- en Zuidoost-Europa, maar beperken zich niet tot Slavische topics alleen. De thema’s zijn eerder breed explorerend dan eng toegespitst.

SEELECTS or ‘Slavic and East-European lectures’ is a series of scholarly lectures. It is a forum for national and international scholars. All presentations cover East and Southeast Europe, but are not restricted to Slavic topics alone. The talks are rather broad and exploratory, than all too narrow or specific.


Programma 2023-2024

Event Information:

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    Early Modern Slovenian Manuscripts and methods of Digital Humanities

    18:00Campus Boekentoren, Blandijnberg 2, room/lokaal 160.015 (sixth floor/zesde verdieping)

    Matija Ogrin (Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Ljubljana)

    The greater part of Slovenian literature has come into existence during the Early Modern and Modern period, i.e. in the era of printed books. But, surprisingly, many Slovenian texts of Early Modern time never succeeded to enter the medium of what we now call the print culture – for several historical reasons, ranging from material to ideological. Nevertheless, these texts had their own public and reception, their own ways of reproduction and dissemination – by means of what we call the manuscript culture. In this way, numerous manuscripts of hymnals, meditative prose and other devotional literature (Erbauungsliteratur), and even Jesuit drama in Slovenian language, were not supported by the printing press and the book market. Instead, they continued to fulfill their cultural mission and function in the medium of manuscript culture – as a separate, manuscript layer of literature. In some areas of the Slovenian literary system, this was the case as long as until the mid 19th century.

    These manuscript literature is an ideal object for research approaches, using the methods of Digital Humanities. The lecture gives an outline of the analysis and description of manuscripts for the Register of Early Modern Slovenian Manuscripts that rely on Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines (TEI).


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